
15 Most Effective Hair Treatments for Split Ends

Hair Treatments for Split Ends

Home hair treatment measures to take care of split ends can be extremely useful, as these are very inexpensive. You can often find the ingredients for these types of treatments in your kitchen cabinets or pantry. Home hair cures can be very useful for split ends, as these can save you money and not have to look for a stylist each time.

If you wish to take care of your bangs at home all on your own, these are some of the best treatments for split ends that can work the best.

1. Papaya Hair Pack

You obviously require very ripe papaya to prepare this pack. You would be using just half of the pack, so you have to choose one that is of a good enough size for your hair. For example, if you have really thick or long hair, larger papaya is what you need. After you halve it, remove the skin as well as the seeds, and then have it blended until it becomes pulpy in form.

When it becomes pulpy, add ½ cup of plain yogurt and then combine it again. This is all that you have to do. Once you mix it, part your hair and carefully massage it into the hair. Allow it to remain for around 30 minutes, and then rinse the mix.

2. Egg Shampoos

Basic egg shampoo is one of the best home treatments for split ends. You need an egg, 1 pint of hot water, and 1-ounce rosemary (possibly fresh) for this kind of treatment.

All that you have to do is steep rosemary into hot water for around 20 minutes, and then allow it to get cooled. After it cools down, you need to beat an egg into the mix. Then, massage the mixture into your locks and rinse it just like it is done with standard shampoo.

3. Castor Oil Conditioning

It can be very useful for hair treatment in many ways. Mix olive oil, and mustard oil castor oil in equal amounts. The amount that you combine the three in actually depends on how thick or long your hair is.

You only need to apply the mixture to the hair, use a towel to wrap it up, and allow it half an hour to set. You will obviously need to shampoo when you wash the mix out.

4. Honey

Honey is particularly useful for the treatment of split ends at home, particularly when you combine it with curd. You only need to mix 1 tbsp honey into ½ cup curd. Massage the mixture into your hair, and pay specific attention to the ends. Allow it to be in place for as long as 20 minutes. Then rinse it off only with water. With this technique, you can get gorgeous and shining hair.

5. Cream Tonic

You have to carry out this treatment once you have shampooed. At this time, you have to mix 1 tbsp heavy cream into ½ cup milk. Beat the mix properly, and then massage the mix into the hair strands, particularly the ends. You have to just leave the mix for around 15 minutes, prior to rinsing it out.

6. Beer Rinse

It is a fact that beer is very good for hair, which is why you can find many beer shampoos on the market. This is a simple treatment. You only have to massage some amount of beer into the hair and allow it some time to thoroughly get soaked in. Just rinse the hair after that. The lingering smell of beer can be the only unpleasant thing, but anything for lustrous locks – isn’t it?

7. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the best things to use to remove all those bad split ends. You can use an organic, extra virgin coconut oil that can be found on the market, especially online, at a fantastic price. You will only need to use it in around 2 tbsp and apply the mix to your dry hair before you take a shower.

Pin up your hair atop your head and walk into the shower to have the effects of the oil get intensified by the steam of the shower. Wash your face and body, and then take your hair down. Apply shampoo and a conditioner, as is normally done.

8. Olive Oil

It is another powerful home treatment for the split ends of hair. You have to warm a sufficient amount of olive oil, so as to cover the hair, and massage the oil into your dry but beautiful tresses. Use a towel or shower cap to wrap/cover your hair, and watch a show for 30 minutes before shampooing.

9. Avocado

If you love to eat plenty of avocados, you might have seen that it makes your skin and hair very soft. Avocado is rich in oil which makes it perfect for skin and hair treatment.

You will only need to mash the avocado up. Dampen your hair a bit and then massage the mashed avocado into your hair. Coat your split ends with the fruit. Allow it to set for 15 – 30 minutes, before rinsing it out. For some more sheen, you may add 1 tbsp olive oil if you prefer.

10. Chamomile Tea

Just brew 1 pot of this tea and pre-rinse your hair with it. There are relaxing properties in Chamomile, which have a lot of power in repairing the split ends. It can also tame the frizz that may result in split ends.

Brew as many cups of this tea as you require, and use it to rinse your hair prior to washing it, allowing it to be set for some time. Then wash your hair and condition it as you would normally do. You may even do this for more time and then let it stay for more time if you wish – such as while applying polish to your toenails.

11. Healthy Fats

This is the best home hair treatment measure for split ends. Add more healthy fats to your daily diet, which can moisturize your hair and prevent wear and tear of locks, which can put an end to all your split end problems right at the spot. Cashews, almonds, avocados, chia seeds, and hemp seeds are among the best foods with healthy fats that you can have.

12. Shea Butter Creme

You can get this low-cost cream online or in any salon, dollar store, or drug store. This cream has many healthy fats that can provide your ends with nourishment. Apply it on your hair after you get out of the shower, and apply it onto your hair prior to combing it out. Then allow it to rest for a second while you apply oil or lotion onto your body.

Finally, dry hair as usual or allow it to be air-dried. When you do this each time you wash, you can be assured of avoiding split ends.

13. Cocoa Butter

In case you have dry hair that is susceptible to split ends, cocoa butter is a low-cost lotion that is perfect for your hair. It can be purchased online or in any drugstore or dollar store.

You have to apply this lotion after you wash your hair and prior to drying it when you walk out of the shower. Comb through hair and allow cocoa butter to remain for around 20 minutes., then dry as usual.

Make sure that you put some more on your hair’s ends, to lend them special treatment.

14. Argan Oil

This is what you need in order to put a fast end to your split ends. It has plenty of healthy oils that can moisturize, strengthen and repair your hair, and prevent the issues of splitting. It can also help treat your existing split ends in a very effective way.

15. Clarified Butter (Ghee)

It might appear a little gross to apply Ghee (clarified butter) onto your hair. However, ghee is packed with unrefined and healthy fats that can offer amazing nourishment to your hair. You will like to directly apply it onto your ends, and allow it to set for a few hours like a mask.

Ghee has been a part of the Ayurvedic beauty regimen for a long time in countries like India. It is also useful for repairing eczema or dry skin, and can also heal sunburns. It can be found online or in supermarkets in the locality.

You can find plenty of home treatments for split hair ends, and all of these can keep your hair very healthy. If you are the sort of person who spends a lot of time styling your hair with heat or coloring it, this can be a fantastic way to ensure that your hair remains in amazing shape, all from the comfort of your home.

Most of the split-end treatments at home that are available can work with hair of any type. However, if you have very dry, oil, thick, or even thin hair, you may find a treatment that can be perfect for that type. Home hair treatment measures can put an effective end to your hair issues.